AsPyLib allows to send a simple “cone search” request to the Vizier service, and retrieve star positions and information from any catalog. To do it you only need to specify:
To see how it works, the simplest way is to show an example. The script below retrieves all stars with magnitude smaller than 11, in an area of 7deg*10deg centered on the Pleiades, in Taurus.
from aspylib import astrometry, astro
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#------ retrieving information from Vizier ------
catalog = 'USNO-B1'
position = [56., 24.] #[alpha, delta] in degrees
conesize = [600., 420.] #[boxsize_alpha, boxsize_delta] in arcmin
constraint = 'B1mag<=11'
astrometry.send_query_vizier(catalog, position, conesize, constraint)
stars = astrometry.read_votable("vizier.xml")
#------ printing information --------------------
print len(stars)," stars downloaded"
print "catalog fields:"
print stars.dtype.names
#------ generating sky map ----------------------
ax = plt.gca()
Then we get the following messages in the Python console:
And the following sky map is shown:
The first instruction sends a request to Vizier, and saves the returned VOtable file under the name “vizier.xml”
astrometry.send_query_vizier(catalog, position, conesize, constraint)
The filename may be changed, as follows:
astrometry.send_query_vizier(catalog, position, conesize, constraint, filename = "data.xml")
Then the second instruction opens the file, and convert it to a Numpy record array. Numpy record arrays are special arrays that allow to store columns with different data type, with a name and format for each column. They are discussed here for instance.
stars = astrometry.read_votable("vizier.xml")
The name of the columns can be obtained with:
print stars.dtype.names
And the data in a given column:
print stars['column name']
Sending queries to SkyBoT is pretty much the same. An example of script is given below:
from aspylib import astrometry
#------ retrieving information from SkyBoT ------
date = 2455923.0
position = [56., 24.] #[alpha, delta] in degrees
conesize = [30., 30.] #[boxsize_alpha, boxsize_delta] in arcmin
cat = astrometry.read_votable("skybot.xml")
#------ printing information --------------------
print len(cat)," objects downloaded"
print "catalog fields:"
print cat.dtype.names
print cat
Then the following messages are printed in the Python console:
Getting more information about the AsPyLib functions is quite easy thanks to the console help. Just by typing this:
we get the following: